Amazing Health Benefits of Aprajita flower – Pankaj Yogpeeth

The Aparajita plant is an adorable herbaceous plant with various medical benefits, and it is another extremely helpful herb described in Ayurvedic texts.

The neurological, circulatory, and psychological systems of the body are all greatly calmed by it.

In Hindi, Aparajita is frequently referred to as Koyala. The scientific name for the Aparajita Flower, sometimes known as the butterfly pea, is “Clitoria ternatea.” It is a traditional Thai herb that offers many health advantages. In Tamil, it is referred to as “Sangu Poo or Sangu Pushpam” while in Malay, it is known as “Bunga Telang.”

People used to call this flower “Blue pea” or “Asian pigeon wings” in Thailand and Vietnam. India is home to the butterfly pea, utilized in poojas and prayers. It requires little to no upkeep to grow successfully on its own.

Amazing Health Benefits of Aparajita Flower


The aparajita plant, also known as simply “aparajita,” is a herbaceous, climbing twiner that clings to other plants. It features vibrant green foliage and flowers that might be vivid blue, lilac, or occasionally white.

Because of how it looks, it is also occasionally called a conch shell. In all regions of India, Egypt, Afghanistan, Persia, Mesopotamia, and Iraq, among others, the plant is widely cultivated.

The entire plant is utilized for medical purposes on the inside and outside of the body.


GUNA (Characteristics): Rooksha, Laghu (Light) (Dry).

RASA (Taste): Kashaya, Tikta, and Katu (pungent, bitter) (Astringent)

The aftertaste that Forms Post-Digestion: VIPAKA: Katu (Pungent)

(Potency) VIRYA: Sheeta (Cold Potency)

Herbal Tea From Aparajita Flower

Additionally used as a herbal tea known as blue tea. People in Thailand and Vietnam used to drink this tea directly after dinner along with lemon and honey because it is so well-liked there.

Aparajita-based herbal tea has a number of health advantages. By increasing blood flow to the capillaries, it enhances vision. improves skin tone, nourishes hair, and treats ophthalmitis. Moreover, give the body antioxidants to strengthen immunity.

Blue tea is another name for butterfly pea blossom tea. This is a herbal tea that has no caffeine and is brewed only from the leaves of the Clitoria ternatea (Aparajita) plant. Blue herbal tea is especially noteworthy since it is loaded with antioxidants. Many diabetic patients benefit from aparajita flower tea.

Common properties of the Aparajita

  • Aparajita is classified as a Medhya herb in Ayurveda. Herbs called “Medhya” aid in memory and learning. As a result, it is highly beneficial for kids with brain development issues and issues with cognitive impairment.
  • It belongs to the Ayurvedic “Shirovirechanopaga” group of plants. This implies that it aids in the overall purging and detoxification of the brain and its supporting components.
  • It is also beneficial for throat issues and voice quality.
  • This plant’s root is frequently applied externally to the skin, where it has a highly calming effect on the eyes and aids in improving vision.
  • The natural anti-inflammatory characteristics of aparajita extracts make them excellent for treating any form of inflammatory condition in the body. It assists with the malabsorption of food in the intestines and soothes indigestion.
  • Some of the common diseases for which Aparajita can be helpful include fever, diarrhea, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, and bleeding from the anus.
  • Mania, schizophrenia, neurological problems, etc. are actively treated with aparajita in ayurvedic medicine.
  • It also supports the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  • This herb can be an excellent option for someone dealing with infertility and impotence issues because it also aids in the process of spermatogenesis in guys.
  • It is a beneficial natural blood tonic. The rasa mixture helps to cleanse the blood and treat skin issues like boils, skin breakouts, acne, and pimples, among others.
  • The use of Aparajita for external applications over boils can be quite successful even in conditions like smallpox.

Health Benefits of Aparajita Flower

The Aparajita flower has incredible medicinal properties. White, blue, and purple are the three hues available for the flower. The butterfly pea attracted people’s attention in addition to being attractive. It’s well known for its ability to nourish the skin and thicken hair.

Top 5 Benefits of Aparajita Flower

Benefits of Aparajita Flower
Benefits of Aparajita Flower

1. Anti-Diabetic 

Herbal tea is fantastic for diabetes individuals since it reduces the amount of sugar that enters the bloodstream after digestion. Blood sugar levels can be controlled with a cup of blue tea between meals. and will maintain your levels until your next meal.

because blue tea lowers blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetics should take special care when deciding how much to ingest.

2. Improves Eyesight

These flowers are essential in treating a number of eye conditions and enhancing vision. The butterfly pea’s antioxidant The blood flow in the capillaries of the eye is increased by proanthocyanidin. Help eliminates eyesight haze, retinal degeneration, and other issues.

3. Treats Neurological Disorder

The Aparajita flower has been a staple of Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. treats neurological illnesses and schizophrenia. It demonstrates promising memory-improving effects. provides a wide range of neurological advantages as well, especially antipyretics, anxiolytics, and antidepressants.

4. Healing Wound

Scientific research has demonstrated that leaves taken from the aparajita plant have qualities that lessen illness. The fine paste made from the leaves of the aparajita plant promotes the healing of wounds. Thanks to the Aparajita plant’s anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities.

5. Effective on Hair Loss Treatment

For the treatment of male pattern baldness, ancient Thai people favour the plant butterfly pea. Premature greying of the hair can be treated using the aparajita flower. The Aparajita flower’s anthocyanin component aids in boosting the scalp’s blood flow. This results in the treatment of hair loss and damage.

Butterfly Pea Tea Recipe

Butterfly Pea Tea has a lovely blue hue and a pleasing appearance. It is made of Butterfly Pea flowers or Aparjita as it is known in Hindi. These blue blossoms are what gives the tea its bluish hue. You just need a few items to make this tea, including Aparjita flowers, water, honey, lemon juice, and ginger. Numerous advantages are offered by blue tea. Aparjta Tea helps lower blood sugar levels if consumed between meals, in addition to strengthening the heart, enhancing eye health, and giving a healthy dose of antioxidants. This tea contains no caffeine, which raises its health appeal. Additionally, Butterfly Pea Tea reduces stress, stops hair loss before it starts, and even has anti-aging qualities. The tea’s flavours have been enhanced by the addition of grated ginger, lemon, and honey. While the tea is boiling, you can add cinnamon, cardamom, or clove to give it a spicy flavour. Although pregnant women and those with allergies should exercise caution when drinking butterfly pea tea and should always get the advice of a doctor or nutritionist before using it.

Ingredients of Butterfly Pea Tea

  • 6 edible flowers
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 1/4 cup water
  • 1 inch ginger

How to make Butterfly Pea Tea

Step 1 Boil the water

Grated ginger and water should be placed in a cup. Maintain a medium flame and wait for it to heat up. Add some Aparjita or Butterfly Pea blooms now.

Step 2 Let the tea simmer

Maintaining a medium flame, simmer the tea for five minutes.

Step 3 Strain and serve

The tea is now strained into a cup. Honey and lemon juice should be added. Stir well, then serve.

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